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Writer's pictureAgape' The Love Activist

..... I Be Coaching.

Updated: Mar 27, 2020

and I love what i do...

“Couples coaching gives clients an opportunity to bring their LOVE back"

Sean B Coaching is the mark of a new era. It is a lesbian love based coaching practice made by a black lesbian (me, Sean B), FOR black and brown lesbian queer women. I truly wanted to create a totally authentic service that promotes unconditional love and emotional/mental wellness of black and brown queer women. As a proud and out lesbian with years of "professional" lesbianism experience, it’s a fact that we fall in love fast but we break up even faster. As of 2019, statistics show that lesbians have the highest break up rates out of heterosexual and gay men relationships. With us becoming more aware of ourselves and the fact that we are highly emotional creatures with our own systems from our own experiences, it is becoming imperative to find alternative ways to maintain a happy and healthy lesbian/queer relationship in this day and age.

FYI, couples coaching and couples therapy are not the same thing. To keep things short and sweet, clients who chose therapy are looking to heal and have the desire to UNDERSTAND why they feel the way that they feel; coaching is to having a teammate that's going to help you get over your shit and become the best fucking you there ever can be. My couples coaching, personally, empowers couples to take action TOGETHER resolving issues, creating/implementing new and healthier habits, and master communication skills within the relationship! Couples coaching gives clients an opportunity to bring LOVE back into their relationship!

In my opinion, for our culture as lesbian/queer women of color, we need more resources for our elevation and services that promote happier lesbian/queer futures. I am a person for my people. Because of the challenges and discrimination the LGBTQA community face, I wanted to be of service, support and empowerment. So many people in the world tell us that our love is wrong; failed relationships can make us believe that. I would like help change that stigma. We as lesbian/queer WOC deserve the same respect, happiness, and longevity as anyone else... (if not more).

Ultimately, I hope this reach someone, somewhere; YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Your relationship is "FIX-ABLE" and it's worth fighting for if you are willing to fight for it. You have the power to create anything your mind visualizes and you are the SOURCE of all things in your life. Check within before checking around you.

Peace & Vibrations, Forever My Loves <3


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